Martina (Belfast)

‘Life has changed a lot for me since my first DARE treatment nearly three years ago. I was living with the trauma of the past at the forefront of my mind. Every morning, I knew I was waking up to another day filled with intense fear and short-lived but...

Ria, Leeds

Over the years I have tried lots of different forms of therapy, but nothing has helped me like my experience with Cat. She has been incredibly gentle and kind, helping me to overcome this extreme anxiety that I carried around for many years, most of which wasn’t...

Jill, Leeds

I didn’t realise that I was ‘bumbling along in the slow lane’… my business was doing ok but, realistically, I wasn’t going to meet the targets I’d set myself… to be able to live comfortably in retirement. After meeting Joy & Cat in Leeds, I agreed to a...

Sarah, Bradford

Catherine and this therapy has helped me so much. I would really recommend DARE to anyone that is struggling with their emotions but has tried other therapies and doesn’t know where to turn. Catherine so lovely and helpful – I’ve been for more than one session...

Alex, Huddersfield

Was a lovely experience and Catherine cured an old neck injury which had been periodically bothering me for years. Highly recommended.